
'I don't wanna fight mate... BAM! BAM BAM!'

Our production team (Me, Matt and Paul) went to Dalston to meet our producer Meryem for a casting audition.

It is a very nice place.

Audition process.

We hired Richard Albrecht for the main part. This is for a short fiction film about a man who tries to kill his Wife by playing Scrabble. It'll be online just after Easter.

To celebrate our successful casting session we had a 'Z Burger' at Cafe Z Bar.

On a totally unrelated day, we had a Mama's. You aint lived to you've had a Mama's.

Tell the whole of Britain why don't you.

Check out how much stuff me and Matt buried Basi with. Including my old pants.

Why would you every buy this?

The eve of Matt's 22nd Birthday kicked off with a drinking game at the flat.

We then went to the Inferno night at Electric Ballroom and celebrated Matt's birthday on the stroke of midnight with a mass shot drinkage.

Trust me, the guy with the 'I wanna go to hell' was the most normal person there. And that's saying something...

Happy Birthday Matt!

Claud and Toby were the only people in there wearing white.

Josiah is The Arms' personal bodyguard. He helps keep away crazed fans while me and Basi do our thang.

'Flaming dick head Milligan.'

Irish bastards.

This was moments before Ollie speared Basi and got him kicked out.

Motorhead came on at the end. Stoked!

I never realised the soles of my shoes were different colours. I'm so cool.

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