We set off at 8.00am, with the car stuffed full of my stuff.

The M1 kills it.

My Mum and Dad helped move stuff in my new room. Thanks Mum and Dad.

This was in the kitchen when we got there. Oh dear.

It was never confirmed that me and Basi would live together, but we do!

Ah, my room- all finished.

Basi broke the fridge within 10 minutes of being there.

My first meal as a student- Beans and Tea.

This is the view from our kitchen.

Me and Bas had a sesh on the old bass n' guitar.

We quickly discovered our local.

We watched Dogtown. This scene is so heart warming.

Some people did us moving-in-fireworks.

We had to fill out forms with everything that was wrong with the room. It was like a 2000 word essay.


The next day we went shopping. This seemed like a good idea at the time.

We spent over £100 in Argos on stuff that should already be in our flat anyway.

Veggie Burger.

Mt. Argos.

This was the ash tray before we bought a new one.

That's better.

If you're lucky enough to stay at ours, you'll be sleeping on one of these bad boys.

We went back to Camden to do some shopping.

Basi got a leather jacket. What? It's essential...

We also kinda got a Bong. Again, essential.
This is one of our flat mates alex. He's Greek and we're bro's. We also live with 5 French girls who run around in their pants.

We watched our 'King Of Lesta' edit.

Just me and Bas.

Sainsbury's kills it.

We love Reggae Reggae Sauce.

Today we finally got a chance to go skating. Me- Rock N' Roll.

Basi- BS Crail.

Basi- Ollie.

The Eye and some Gold Eagle.

Basi- Ollie. (This has the gnarliest run up and landing.)

Bas- 5.0 through the tree gap!

It wasn't bad for a local sesh.

On the way home we ruined peoples touristy holiday photos.

This shit piles up so bad.

'Our shisha gets blazed G.'

We thought we'd check out our Student Union- 'The Rigg.'

Fucking Karaoke night. Treat.

Alex kills 'Time Crisis 2'.

Jack and John were there. These are our new boys.

Team picture.

Nobody can resist a bit of YMCA action.

All the classics were played- Simply the Best, I will Survive, In Da Club...

Guy in his Dad's suit kills it.

We went home and had a blast on the bong. (I don't know why it's sideways.)

This is where we live- McClaren House.

At this point I enroled but it was pretty boring so didn't take many photos.

When I got back me and Basi finally tackled the washing up.

Eggy Bread, Brie and Reggae Reggae Sauce.

We got started on some 'Arms' songs.

We went down The Rigg again to see all the old favourites.
Apparently it was 'Beach Night.'

This is Steven. I met him at enrolment. He was well into Beach Night.

Basi was buying a shot with every drink.

I thought i'd have a crack at Time Crisis 2.

It's funny how these plastic things symbolise beachwear.

Basi's Latvian Model friend. Did he fuck her?

When I got back the lift was broke. 7 drunken flights of stairs is horrible.

The next morning I discovered Basi
pissed the bed!

'Don't put it on the blog!'

Those plastic matresses are the worst.

Jack came round later and we watched 'Skateboards And That'.

We had a quick sesh at Southbank.


Some premiere was happening at Slam- 'Writers Block' I think.

It was
so full.

We couldnt see anything, apart from some guy BS tails the black thing into Euston Bank. So sick...

Ben bloggage!

We found an old man pub after and played pool.

The next day I sorted some shit out at the Post Office.

I got my student card too. Oh, the pints at The Rigg have no heads.

'Worst £20 I ever spent...'

I raided my piggy bank...

And we went to The Rigg again.

That night was 'Toga Night.' When is it gonna be 'Normal Night'!?

All these themed nights are just an excuse for bitches to wear less.

'Charriot racin' on Space Hoppers was so gay.

It was hillarious and cool when Carl did it though.

This band was playing- The Bad Robots.

They were actually really good.

This guy's beard was amazing.

We Bro'd down with them after. So safe.

I have no idea who that is.

The next day I went PC world to get some stuff for my internet connection in my room. Turns out I spend £42 and I could've got everything for £4 from the Student Union.

My room started to feel more like home.

Me and Bas chilled and played Tony Hawk's 2.

Some fire happened, whatever.

Happy Birthday Bas!

We went to 'Mama's Cafe' for breakfast.

Basi got no mail on his birthday.

We decided to give Tesco's a try. Well better than Sainsbury's.

These bags were so heavy.

So we robbed a milk cart thing. Hahaha.

I got Bas Champagne. We were gonna go out on a wild one but I dropped dead in bed with man flu and we just didn't do anything.

Basi owes me so much money.

Jack snuck into our flat to go to our lecture.

This is a picture of my lecture. Pretty good considering I'm not one of those arty farts.

After my lecture I got a train back to Leicester for the weekend.

I got a taxi home because I'm so rich thanks to my loan.
