I got the train home with Talman the morning after we saw Bullet at Brixton.

Back in Leicester I skated local with Craig.

I think Banksy was here...

We went to Gant's house.

Yeah Anti Hero.

The sleezy people at Phones4U talked me into getting a new phone. Sly...

Next day I went to Viccy.

Good to see the lake going strong through the Winter.

I went to Subway to pass some time.

'This'll stop those pesky skateboarders rolling down that mud bank...'

John and Beaver showed up.

Everyone from Mel and the Gang were there, except Mel.


Callun's board- RIP.

Josh and Dwayne were walking to Viccy as I was leaving.

Stoked on this coming through the post. 'Has anyone seen my BASTARD ball!?'

The first time I ate since Christmas.

Callum bought some cheap plaid shirt the next day.

Viccy again- more NLT'd this time.

My train was one of those extra hour detours.
Back at the flat Basi was on Myspace, Facebook, Bebo, Hi5 or something...
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