So this is where we watched Robert Green fluff up his England career in the first England game of the World Cup. What a prick.

So the time had come to move out of my shitty kitchen room in Mclaren.

I should probably get a suitcase to put all my stuff in...

Traditional 'charity' room looting...

My new temporary 1 week room in Mclaren- the best room I ever got.

Although on the following morning we discovered the cleaners there away all of out food and plates.

When the cleaners discovered that they shouldn't throw away all our stuff, they didn't put it back, they just left it. In a bin bag.

ANYWAY, this is Ali handing out our Programmes and DVD's of our final year films at the end of year BFI screening.

This one was OBV the best film there.

'Dread' will be online when I can be arsed to do it.

After the screening we ducked out to go the the Metal Hammer awards at the O2.

Steel Panther played. They get old pretty quickly, and could have been replaced by a real band.

Sir Christopher Lee got the Spirit of Hammer award, for being a badman metalhead. 'SAXON MANNNNN!'

Five Finger Death Punch were awesome as usual.

Talman's future motorbike...

Since all the rooms in our flat were left open, Ollie could take his pick of sweaty rubber mattresses to crash on.

Not sure why this photo is here but it won't move. This is Skindred, a hugely underrated british band. Reggae Metal, awesome.
Speaking of Toby, here he is at Jenni's arty farty exhbition thing.

Josiah was part of someone's 'art'. Not entirely necessary if you ask me...

Pretentious bollocks.

My view of the Algeria - England match was similar to the quality of the game- utter shite.

I was conned into eating at some restaurant afterwards, so I ordered lamb.


Free table football at Waterloo! Me and Claud lost out to this gay fat businessman in the semi-finals.

Beth's birthday- such a Welsh cake...

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