Welcome to the first edition of my new blog- Blog Of Peril. It's all about my new life in London, so I'll start from the beginning- Results Day!
Firstly, I went to the big W.V to collect my A-Level results.

I saw Cooky and his mate waiting to get their AS results.

My entire future was sealed in this little envolope.

Basi turned up. We agreed to check our results together, since we both applied for the same uni.

We need just two C's, and we got an A and a D. We were pure confused.

I contacted the uni, I got accepted anyway!


Sam failed all his subjects.

Not really! He's going to uni too.

Ryan passed.

Kim did too, an A in English, oooh.

Bhav passed, but shes well clever so it don't really matter anyway.

Jo got a picture taken 'coz she got all A's or something.

I rinsed the local pap's shot.

Me, Basi and SPT with our tutor- The Wilson.

Me and Basi with our old Psychology teacher- Mrs. Johnston.

We called for Ryan to celebrate. He didn't answer.

Basi did the old '
Dad, I failed.... NOT REALLY!'

11.30am, we went to the Midland to celebrate.

Me and Sam got gammon, egg and chips.

Kieren showed. Basi got him a half pint. I bought him a full one.

Ryan, yay.

Yeah Kim.

Dan, Corby and Throbinson arrived.

Pool went down. I beat Arron overall from 7 games over the past year- stoked.

Fraser beat me though, But Kieren seven-balled him and avenged me.

Ben and Amber showed.


Fraser and me.

Chim and me.

Yeah spongebob T-shirt.

More Kieren.

Fraser kills it.
The Results Day Mandem.

I saw Doig and Craig.

I went to my Sister's house to play FIFA.

When I got home I had this letter confirming that I really have been accepted to London Southbak University. Safe.

And so that's it, Me and Basi are moving to London, check this blog to see what we get up to for the next 3 years.
Congrats mate, hopefully see you down here soonish :)
Awesome, i'm fully stoked on the 'sam failed... oh no he didnt' bit.
well done son!
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