A typical 'Arms' recording set-up.

Me and Bas decided to go on a local skate.

We went to the City Hall benches but got kicked off.

So we went to the London Bridge skate park.

It was closed, and only allows people
under 18 to skate it. You can't take pictures in there either. We broke all of the rules.

It's full of pure heshy tech stuff.

Me- front 180.

Bas- Front 50-50.

Me- Ride the wave.

We just surfed around for ages.

We went back to these benches and had a better sesh.

My batteries died, so phone blogging came out to play.

I've never seen Tower Bridge open before.

'Worst... bridge... ever.'

Sick little gap, shit photo. This will get seshed, trust.

In the end we decided to go shopping. Bas bought some shoes from Slam, I got a T-shirt.

Gap session. I prefer Primark myself.

My shopping- snake skin bad boys what you sayin'?

Dinner is served.

Basi Junior came down. He invented this new craze of a pose- Expect much, much more of it.

Nick also came down, and we chilled for the rest of the night.

Next morning me and Nick went to his flat.

It's in Barbican, which is really futuristic and nice.

I will live here one day.


I'd session this.

New kitchen, safe!

Nick got free tickets to Drummer Live '07. stoked.

We DLR'd it up.

It was at the EcXel in far East London.

There was a 'World of Warcraft' convention next door, full of geeks, nerds, dweebs and arseholes.

Drummer Live!

Travis Smith's kit from Trivium is sick.

There was shit loads of drum equipment.

Crazy cymbol.

We sampled a few kits. These electric ones are crazy.

Nicko McBrain's kit is fucking sick.

(Drummer from Iron Maiden for those less enlightened.)

This is
the Vic Firth. The guy who makes the drumsticks.

Nicko did a little set with some sessionists.

The overhead camera on him was awesome.


I love it how he was just wearing sweatpants and a vest. Chilling.

This is Nick on the big screen.


Afterwards we went to Oxford Street. The Apple shop is like a museum, well pretentious and up it's own arse. I bought Age Of Empires II though.

The Vans shop sells Vans.


I bought this for Basi, It's well funny.

We ate at the slaughter house.

Liam was still in this pose from this morning.

Signed Nicko McBrain drum head!

Nick and Liam left in the morning.

Me and Bas sessioned Southbank for a while.

This invisible man is the best thing on the southbank.

This is Annabel. She took loads of photos of me and Bas for her uni project. Safe!

And so it begins...

Ollie North.

'A history of BMX' was being shown at southbank. Fuck that.

Now the party get's started!

First stop- The Offie.

John laughed hysterically at the 'partner seeking' part of the paper.

'Best dinner ever.'

We watched our 'King Of Lesta' edit, which is apparently getting premiered with everyone else's pretty soon.

This was on my door a couple days ago. It's true, I'm the worst flatmate ever.

On a brighter note, we went Ministry!

John was feeling the heated smoking area.

The raised dancefloor things are sick.

This should be used as an advert to put off underage drinkers.

The Film and Video crew were heavy reppin'.

Ollie was enticed at one of John's many crazy story's.

'Bare Back Mountain! Bare Back Bad Boy!'

Yes Bare Back.

John was fully loving it.

No idea who that is.

John robbed this 4CD Club Anthems CD. I think it belonged to one of the DJ's...

Hers's Paul. His real name is Raymond and he has a really nice face.

I think someone slept with someone in this picture.

Bedtime for me.

In the morning I discovered a chair belonging to the Common Room.

And 7 bottles of milk in the fridge.

John explained. Don't ask.

Annabel came round to take more photos.

This spot is well hard to skate.

More breaking in.

John- early melon grab over the hip.

Basi- 5-0 stall.

We chilled at City Hall for a bit.

Basi's mouth.

This spot was shit. We went somewhere else.

Tate Modern again. That big crack is still there.


Southbank has a really nice beach.

John and a silver wizard.

Gangster Werewolf steez.

We ended the sesh at Westminster.

Tree skating went down.

John got destroyed by the tree.

We had the same dinner as last night again.

We recored a new 'Arms' track- 'Check Your Balls.'

John in action.

Basi in action.

It was really really funny.

Limted edition single- only 1 ever made.

We snuck John into The Rigg to play pool.

Back in the Common Room we all tried to play Piano but failed miserably.

'Fuck your piano bitch! Buy another one you rich Mother fucker!'

We tried to steal another chair.

We got caught and ran back to the flat.

The next day me and John went to Mama's. John finished a number 4 meal!

Bye John.

Talman and Rosa came down 10 minutes later. It never stops... IT NEVER STOPS!

We really need to go shopping.

I don't know where these came from.
Talman used my shower. Ewwww.

We met up with Clark at Southbank.

Mike and Callum too.

'Chicken Balls' came down too.

Dick and Dom were at Trafalgar Square for some reason.

Clark- Back Tail at Westminster.

Mike- Tree wallride thing.

Mike can actually moonwalk. All those years of Ballet actually paid off.

We got some stuff filmed at St. Pauls.

Random small ledge.

Last spot was the London Bridge 7.

Callum's unfinished business is still unfinished.

I dressed up as Basi when he went to work.

Me, Talman and Rosa played Singstar.

We put this as Basi's background- 'Old Farts and Young Tarts'

SOMEONE broke the polystyrene roof. Ahem... It was Talman.

More booze, Still dressed as Basi.

So many French people.

Rosa cheated on Basi with these two French guys.

Talman defaced Basi's gay wolf poster.

Post-party aftermath.

The ruins.

Me and talman went back to Leicester.