I woke up at 7.30am to a cold, miserable London.

I met up with Ollie and jumped on the tube.

This needs rotating...

HMV at 8.30am!?

Yeah, to buy Bullet For My Valentines new album, and get 1 of 300 wristbands to meet them later in the day!

When I got back to the flat Basi was still asleep.

First day back to School. All the favorites were there, such as Antony...

...And handsome Paul.

These two were in my filming group.

Me and Basi are starting a 'Just how mouldy can potatoes get?' competition.

Anyways our filming task was to walk around and film landscape, for ideas in a film- something like that.

On the way we found this perfect skate spot.

All grindy.

Different size wall gaps.

Perfect long partly pre-waxed ledge.

I'm never telling you were it is though.

Ollie filming.

We also found some other, not as good spot around the corner.

Locations of our shooting:

Later in the day we bumped into Shaun on Oxford Street.

Bullet did a 15 minute set before signing copies of their album and other various metal related items.

Unfortunately this is as close as we got to having a picture with Matt Tuck to add to our 'MySpace Famous People' folders...

We got dragged along by some big bouncer guy, even though we were last in the que and it really didn't matter.


Luckily we hung around outside where we hear Matt Tuck was inside a nearby pub. We stalked him for a good 45 minutes but didn't dare to interrupt him and his gathering for a photo.
We decided to wait until he got up to leave to ask for a picture with him. Eventually, I caved and went to the nearest cash point to so we could actually buy drinks in this pub and not look weird.

When I came back Ollie said he left, but at least he got a picture with him. Thanks, Ollie.

We decided to go to the Metal Pub on Tottenham Court Road to drown my sorrows.

Metal pub kills it.

Yeah, treat me to a signed album- it ain't no picture with the lead singer.

We damaged our livers further at The Rigg.


Various duo photos coming up...

Heres me describing what happened early with Bullet. I don't think anyone particularly cared.

Ollie was glued to his phone. I thought he already had a girlfriend?

Classic Antony point-at-who-he's-laughing-at pose.

I won.

Basi's drinks at last order.

Meatloaf came on the duke box.


We stopped of at 24 shop when The Rigg closed.

Jay was on the door.

Brothers from VERY different Mothers.

The song selection was sick.

Antony was pissed off because he missed Henry Rollins on tour. So?

Ha shame.

Nobody threw a pineapple at the light and broke it...

This is when Cher came on...

...And this is in the 'who would you rather' game.

Ollie bought my Neckfaces off me.

The next day me and Ollie skated Cantelowes with
I bought a hotdog on the way home.