Don't ask.

I was so pissed off when I did this.

Kez bought me a Mario mushroom keyring <)

Basi's new 'I'm-never-gonna-get-a-job' tattoos.

Ross ollied that rail. Then left.

Spot hunting around Westminster.

This was about the best thing we found, although I forgot where it was.


After failing miserably to find somewhere new to skate, Talman's pub suggestion came in handy.

My new salt and pepper pots!

Shaun of the Dead init.

Me and Matt saw Fightstar. It was good.

As it was Halloween, there was some weird chicken man on the tube home. We didn't dare take a better photo than this.


Moldy plums all round.

Myself, Matt and Talman tackled a KFC mega bucket. It was horrible.

We went to the Science museum to take photos of things we weren't supposed to.

I don't really see how this is Science.

This is the new 'X' crossing at Oxford Street. I was bitterly disappointed with it.

The South London Press never fails to amuse me.

Me and Kez saw 30 Seconds To Mars at the KoKo.

The 'set' for my Advanced independent Project 90 second film.

It's entitled 'Money Isn't Real' and will be online shortly.


Me and Talman went HMV to meet Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer. That Angelos guy was there too.



This was the ticket for Five Finger Death Punch at Electric Ballroom. So budget.

Me and Tally 'old manned' it at the back with Gaymers and Red Stripe.

The following day, we saw motorhead at Hammersmith.

Although they practically had the same set list as last year, It was so much better. Maybe I appreciate Lemmy the older he gets. Like a fine wine...

Signed Motorhead drum skin!

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