Lakai must have sent a shit load of Koston's old shoes to TK Maxx in retaliation of him skanking over to Nike.

Shattering! The skies above!
Stretchy Matt was wearing his St Paddy's T-shirt.

World's End for Guinnesseseses.
Kieren told me he needed help with a film he had to make for uni called 'The Mysterious Parcel'. All he brought round was an old shoe box, a plastic gun and this hilarious old man mask.
Found this amazing perfect spot, but we all realised we were shit and didn't do anything but play a game of SKATE on flat next to it.
Off to Leicester for 2 weeks, safe.
1 comment:
Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.
- Johnson
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