A classic.

LSBU toilet graffiti.

Everyone went Nandos in celebration of finishing the second year of uni.

I poppoed down to Monaco to watch the F1.

King Leonidas is the latest addition to my badman figure collection.

I'm still looking for a Jean-Luc Picard one.

Some shit went down on that dangerous roundabout outside McLaren.

Basi pretending to do a Nosegrind.

This is more realistic.

He skated straight into the little ledge where his board is in this photo- ha!

The only thing I can do at Kennington- carve.

I checked out Bay 66 for the first time today.

It's worth going for the mini ramp alone.

Ollie- Cannonball.


Kickflip Melon?!

Me- shoddy 5-0.

Ollie Feebs.

Special move- Pop Shove Rock 'n Roll!

Ollie killed the vert wall.

Serious, that things massive. Tony Hawk'n that are badmen.

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