The usual synopsis at NLT HQ.

Here's Alex and his stolen police banner robbed from a crime scene somewhere in SE1.

Never again.

We purposely cooked these other noodles to fling at the window. Footage on Dead Nuns somewhere.

They went over our flatmate's clean plates. Should have put them away then...

Clogged the sink up too. Hahahaha!!!

Basi also smashed a roof tile in a spontaneous path of destruction.

Sam came down and seshed the new Elephant spot.

We skated all day and ended up at SB.

Back at the flat Niall came round and we criticised people's scene videos all night.

Here's Matt signing his life away.

We drew in the paper waiting for Ben.

Ken is a proper bell-end and Boris is a bollock.

'Finally it took like two hours...'

Inevitable rain...

We hit up the Emirates for the first time.

These benches / blocks are sick.

We got kicked out almost instantly.

Then it rained.

We went to Yates' in Leicester Sq. for food while it dried.

They could have made a better effort to disguise Ben's instant-cook rice.

It did dry but then it rained again.

So here's Sam reppin' Casino socks at Whites Grounds.

The path to Moorgate rail is like something from the new Gladiators.

Ben could have drowned in that puddle judging by the number of times he bailed in it.

Ben and Matt soldiered on despite obvious set-backs on the rail.
(Note Basi in the background unscathed.)


A rewarding Guinness for Ben who just landed the best trick in NLT history- only on Dead Nuns...

Pre-going out warm up.

We qued at Shunt for a bit, only to realise it must have been old foegy night. Plus it was a tenner to get in!?

Basi and a habitual passed out homeless guy on the way to Camden.

We check out Underworld for the first time. I think it was cheese night.

An O-so familiar sight.

Shots of sambuca- £2.90 each. Extortionate.

We wanted to get as drunk as quickly as possible so we forgot how expensive the drinks were and how cheesey the music was.

Of course there's nothing better than cheesey music when you're drunk.

Ben befriended a guy sitting outside with a huge beatbox listening to AC/DC.

I also bumped into Eddie, who's smile was cheesier than the music!

The crew- I'm loving Matt's in-joke gesture.

Me and the slug from Monsters Inc.

24 hour buses in London means no more £20 taxis home.

Robbin' other peoples food.

Ben had to leave the next morning for a FUR gig later that day.

I went to meet Callum in Elephant and Castle. Heres a very literal taking of the name.

I bumped into Niall on the way back to the flat. He was holding the cheapest bog roll ever.

Elebad-a-man was the first spot.

Then the heavily documented Kennington bowl.

'I'm not coming anymore because it might rain'- Clark.
Today was the hottest day of the year so far.

I'll live here one day.

we went to
that spot.

Later on we met up with Brooksy.

On the way home we spotted this handrail on the bus. I've only seen it before on the Killswitch section on Day In The City.

Habitual goodbye picture.

Stocking up.

After a break we headed back up to Central to have a night filming sesh.

Classic tourist shot.

We watched the NLT back-catalog on Basi's laptop.

Why would anyone sleep in this?

Theres one for the Myspace Cal.

Picadilly bad-a-man.

'Let's go for a drink in The Cock.'

Preaching bastards.

We came across an original Banksy piece!

Art? Vandalism? Anyone really care?

Goodge Street is shit.

Basi now rides 8 inch.


Me and Bas continued the strong streak of DN footage at Whites Grounds.


It's still there.

Okay, so not a major one- but another London spot shut down.
(It's the 3 before Southbank 8 set)

I forced Basi to spank the air in the middle of Trafalgar. Look how disgusted that woman looks.


We got lost in Holborn / Russel Sq. but found this really nice park.

Basi will die before me.

My new shoes. Bad-a-man.

Do you think he saw us?

Any trick Basi popped...

...Just turned into a boardslide.

Best. graffiti. ever.

One of the dream vans.

I could see this girl's arse all the way home, and now it's on the internet.

We watched 'NTB' when we got in. Look how cute Talman was...

Pac-man now get's had up on a regular basis.

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