This is all my shit in my Mum's car.

Smug face!


After helping me move in and buying me lots of food, we went to some diner place in Elephant.

In a bit.

My new room! The ceiling is much higher and generally bigger, I got ripped off last year.

I live with Ollie now too.

And of course, Basi.

Our new pimping kitchen.

The mug tree- a kitchen necessity.

The first night we went to our student bar the Rigg.

I didn't take many photos because it was actually amazing. Check
Sam's blog sometime to see us dancing in a massive circle of gangsters.

After party at our flat!

The first ever morning after the night before.

Me, Ollie and Sam tubed it up to Cantelowes.

Nick Jenson was there kickflipping the hip.

Shopping in Camden to get things-we-don't-need-but-want for our rooms.

Proper Basi T-shirts.

Adam and Matt came round. Matt also lives in our flat.

Check out Basi's 'hemp' flag.

I got an england flag. For some reason it seems proper BNP, but I'm just patriotic.

Slayer flag.

A student room classic.

Me and Bas went to another uni classic- Kennington Bowl.

And Elephant ledges too.

This is the part where I went to Kez's.

And this is the part where I bumped into Nick in London! He was on some open day at a uni, instead I took him to 'Fun Land.'

Fun fun fun.

I paid £1 to play some game. When I won it must've broke and I got all of the tickets that were in it.

Gutted Fun Land.

Usually I get like 50 whenever I come here.

We discovered this very 90's drum machine game.
Very 90's...

Some shit building.

We practically sneaked into King's College after hours and wondered around the corridors.

Found this sick balcony though.

Later I got Chinese with Ollie and Matt.

This is what I got with my 700+ tickets from Fun Land.

I just bought this for fun.

The Rigg got had up again.

Basi was mopping up there like a sucker at work.


I just don't know.

Back at someone else's flat.

I the morning I found this sofa thingy in our kitchen. I aint complaining.

I also found this stupid letter from Basi on his door.

As if he was ever gonna wake up.

While Basi slept till 5pm, me and Antony went into Central.

We came across this sick spot.

An avid fan of the Private Eye paper.

Gay arty shots at Traf.

We've all thought about it...

Later that night we went over to Sam's flat in Camberwell to see how he was coping.

Not bad, not bad at all.

Sam bought some soap.

Basi was on the prowl in a local bar/club.

The following morning myself and Matt returned to Camden.

I might aswell pay £4 for a tin of dog shit.

The classic our-flat-is-shit-so-lets-buy-basics-at-Argos shot.

Our amazing microwave. I'm never using the oven again.
And who better to Christen it than Talman?

Last ever under-age booze buy as Talman's 18th Birthday is just a day away...
And so it begins- Ipswich guests of death arrive.

Ben shinned himself. Again.

Baker spent a big amount of money on this small amount of breakfast.

Incey Wincey was chillin' at Euston.

Wilko was there too, I don't think I blogged his arrival.

As soon as we broke into this well hard to break into fence...

We got kicked out and had to climb back over.

We bumped into Brooksy at St. Pauls.

Classic, classic Talman.

This is the eve of Talman's birthday. Basi was mincing in his room with his mop.

Even Ben got in on the action.

Baker wasn't impressed.


Happy 18th Talman! On the stroke of midnight he headbanged into my camera.

We went to some club / bar thingy called 'After Skool.'

Look out ladies, Talman is a legal bad-a-man now...

Gutted Basi.

We didn't ask him to do this, he didn't make sure we saw him do this, he just did it. Genius.

Here we were laughing at some guy who looks just like Burny. He acted all hard and stood up to Talman and got all lippy. Because he doesn't know me I got up and was all 'Oi leave it out just go downstairs' so he did.
When in actual fact Talman probably would've punched him and I would've ran off.

Claude, Fake Beaver, Me and Tally.

Two matching hairs styles, one very not matching one...

Sam was there init.

He still has no idea what it is.

Back at the flat- the most impressive empty drinks table I have ever had the pleasure to witness.

Matt had to sleep on this set-up of chairs because Sam's friend (Sam had left by this time) was asleep in his bed till 6am. He also did a poo in Matt's toilet.
I know, I would've thrown him out too!

And thus concluding Talman's birthday weekend. See ya Talms.

The next Leicester celebrity to come round was Chung Master Kizzle, who is now at London Greenwhich uni!

Theres about 6 of us Leicester bad-a-mans living in London now, and Dwayne is one of them!

'Let's just keep going Dwayne!'

There's nothing to skate here, it just looks really nice.


Basi went to work and locked all of Wilko's clothes in his room. I lent him some to wear.

Making full use of our microwave.

In case you were wondering where Ollie was for most of this blog, he visited his Sister in Bristol and missed the whole first week.

And in case you were wondering who our other 4 flatmates are, we still don't know. One moved in and left a TV in the Kitchen. I'll see them soon, so stay tuned for my next blog of uni peril!

So that was my first week back at uni. Check back for video evidence of all these happenings too. Anyways I gotta go, I start lectures today!

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