In honour of Basi's 20th Birthday, we all dressed up in his clothes when he went to work.

Phil Basi.

Ollie Basi.

Matt Basi.

Wilko Basi.

Happy Birthday Bas.

We all went to the chicken shop dressed like this. Everyone else could pass as being normal, I got stared at by everyone.

I don't know how Basi pulls it off.

Ha gutted Basi I ate fried chicken in your clothes.

Wilko went home.

4 player Call Of Duty is the new house favorite, until I get the new FIFA.

Adam fell asleep at the flat warm-up...

For Basi's Birthday night out!

Paul, me and Ollie.

These jugs of alcohol were awesome.

I had a 'sex on the beach,' just so I could ask the barmaid for sex on the beach. She wasn't impressed.

Matt and One-Ball Paul.

I can be in my own blog more now because Matt is the official night time blogger because his phone is better than mine.

This guy was swaying from side to side from too much booze.

This is him getting helped up after falling on his arse.

Does Sarah's hat suit me?

I was forced to wear that shirt.

Adam was sick outside so we reconstructed the scene with me instead.

Me taking a piss somewhere.

Subway is open 24/7 on Oxford Street!

Basi's one-legged Birthday prey left the next morning.

I made this bad boy pizza- it was just plain at first, I put my own meat and veg on. Trust, it's amazing.

Kez came over to see my new flat, so I made her do my washing up.

Here's me with a fat grin on my face in Slam...

...Because I got the new Fallen video. Go get it and watch it over and over again because it's amazing.

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