Oxford Street- full of pricks.

KFC charge 10p for their BBQ sauce!

I tried every flavour of Jelly Belly jelly beans. Kiwi was the best.

Pro NLT Adidas colabs!

I saw Gav's Droplets in Forbidden Planet.

Baker Baker.

We had to watch some video installation at the BFI about a Kubrick film that was never made. Maybe the installation should never have been made too...

A typical lecture...

Anyway, a couple of days later Talman and his cousin Jamie visited. They were in London to see Judas Preist and Megadeth, as you do.

99p a pint- can't go wrong!

Tiny kettle!

Because Basi is a lazy bastard I met up with Sam at SB.

We went to bare spots I've never skated before.

Brooks getting his filming on.

'So where do you live?'
'Ironmonger Lane.'

This spot looked bad-a-man.

About 30 people were skating Elephant, it was insane.


Me and Bas sessioned Stockwell.

Slash bad-a-man.

Yes we can see that...

Basi's working on noseblunts...

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