I had a few things stockpiled from eBay delivered at my Syston house.

First day there I went to go skating in Town. Wilko was on the bus to go to work.
Sam got on the bus too, but we planned that prior to getting the bus.

'Quay Page.'

Walker's ledge is kind of skateable again, but here's Lee doing a manual trick anyway.

Boardroom got hit up, just because it was so cold outside.

J-Mac came.

Behold my new camera! It's a Canon XM1 which I bought of eBay for an undisclosed amount of money. I arranged to meet the seller outside Boardroom to pick it up, but I didn't take a picture because he'd have thought I was a weirdo. I got an external light, crap fisheye and an amazing 80's Benetton bag.

RIP Leicester's only decent short steep bank- McIndian's.

The first of many Midland Sesh's happened that night,..


So did Matt, with one of those awesome 'Nobody-knows-i'm-a-lesbian-esque' style slogan T-shirts.

Fraser is still massive.

Okay, so like 30 teenagers get shot and stabbed in London a year- yeah its horrible and that, but in Leicester, when a Badger gets shot it's considered 'sick' and makes the headlines.

I dropped by Wreake. Unlike the obviously staged 'next-to-Fraser' shots, Doig actually is a huge person.

I've missed these classic Wreake 'meals.'

Heres a photo of loads of people who's lives aren't as good as mine yet.

I was heading towards Goscote, so Chim walked to Branston's with me. Thanks Chim.

Stef Danvers still works there.

'Sk8ters suck off old pakis.' Awesome.

Matt came out for his first skate in about a year, wearing another awesome slogan T-shirt.

Dead Nuns filming in Goscote?

Eventually we got bored and played Halo 3 online at Callum's house.

The Plough got hit up.

Heres that picture of that guy and his sideways balls.

The jukebox got murdered.

I can't remember if this was the same day, but heres Craig anyway.

I've never met anyone in Subway who speaks English.

Callun works in Casino now.

Longest... Board set-up... ever.

Today we had some fat gang out skating.

Dead Nuns footage went down.

Porca baddamans.

Jonny was gonna nollie varial heelflip this but it rained.

Rain was the least of our problems when it started hailing.

Once town was destroyed by hard rocks of ice, I met Adam at the Midland. Again.

These are my Nephew Dominik's amazing paintings.

Rambo 4 matey.

Next day- more snow?

This is the view from my Gran's house.

Here's Dominik.

That's my Sister with the classic 'shocked enthusiastic towards toddlers' face.

Things just got a bit silly in the end.

That's more like it. THE MIDLAND.

Arron was undefeated at pool.

Heres Wilko sitting on Matt's Motorbike.

We wanted to continue to drown our livers, but Bargain Booze was closed. On a Saturday night. at 9.30pm.

Roberto's Pizza wasn't though. I'd later sell Wilko one slice of my pizza at the total price of the whole thing.

Back at Joe's, Callum got double DDT'd, Armbar Boston Crabbed, Figure Four Leg Locked and almost Samoan Dropped. Oh and he got Speared too.

Some massive sink.

More non-skating activities for today then.

This is where Syston skatepark will be.

The curb that spawned the beginning of NLT.

Check Callum's NLT coloured Halo man.

The next day it snowed again, but I couldn't bare more Halo online with Callum. Me and Gant went out anyway.

We met Jonny and Craig at that kind of undercover part of Co-Op.

It sort of dried up, so I reunited with Basi and the Goscote Clan at Wreake.

Old school Syston days- Council.

Kieren and the Humbo gang turned up unexpectedly. This is the healthiest Syston's skate scene has looked in years.

More Midland.

This day was the Melton comp. Clark drove some of us down.

Jonny only just woke up.

Some of the Boardroom team were there.

As was Kieren.


'The ground cuts my hands up!'
'You wouldn't get that at the Boardroom!'
'You wouldn't get that at the Boardroom!'

Smiles all round.

It was freezing, so we waited for the results in Clark's car.

Only Josh and Mike made it through to the finals. (Out of the people we know / care about.)

Mike placed 2nd and got some free stuff. I filmed the whole comp plus some warm-up tricks, so watch out for it on Dead Nuns.

Jonny didn't win anything, but being that cool, who cares?

Nice helmet Mike.

I expected my Mum to feed me lots of nutritious food while I'm back home. Instead, I got all the stuff I eat at Uni anyway...
I saw Arron at the bus stop coming in from a night out, as I was going to town in the morning.

Bussing Bad Boys.

Yeah NLLT.
It was wet again, so we went Boardroom.

Worst custom Broom set-up ever.

Fancy seeing you two here...

Pub break.

Traditional Boardroom meal.

Happy birthday Clark.

'Junior Spesh' got played on the bus home.

Clark's Birthday meal!

Ben special ordered Guinness and drank it from an empty vase.

Secluded skateboarding table.

Talman smuggled in whiskey and we all bought coke all night.

Nobody know how to use chopsticks.

Basi preferred these ladels himself.

I think Talman and his fire-starting nature set this trend off.

'Man I LUUUURVE de cake!'

Next day I went Callums and crashed old WW2 planes into Tower Bridge.

I really shouldn't promote terrorism, this could fully happen one day.

We went Talman's and 'jammed.'

Oh and we also shot stuff out the kitchen window.

Here's Callum driving really slow on his driving lesson.

It never gets old...

Talman rolled his ankle and lay here for hours.

Good ol' Flames.

Some amazing 'Round-The-Back-Of-Somerfield' graffiti.

If your picture was really this shit, would you bother using different colours?

I Midlanded it up. Again.

Matt took me on his motorbike. It was kinda gay but better than walking.

Last day in Leicester and me and Matt had our traditional meal at the Hobby Horse.
'Maybe next time we should invite some people...'
'Maybe next time we should invite some people...'

It's Basi again.

ASDA is full of old teachers you used to have and young people you used to know.

Just when you thought I couldn't go midland anymore than I already did, I went Midland.
Adam won £5 on this machine, but paid in about £15.

My Mum fed me this then I got dropped of at the train station.

This guy ate a whole box of strawberries by himself.

Ah, home sweet home. I've missed this view...

Now I have 4 hours of footage to go through...
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